Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Can't seem to leave Harry alone!

I just finished re-reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban--my 2nd time reading it on the Nook.  It's always interesting and fun for me to note the things that stand out during one reading but other points that stand out for me in another!  I just can't get enough of my favorite books!  I wish I had time every year to re-read ALL of my favorite books, not just the HP books!

Anyway, I finally figured out what the nicknames mean!  I know.  I know.  I'm slow.  I just couldn't figure out what Padfoot, Mooney, Prongs, and Wormtail meant!!!  But I GOT it this time!  It was like a flash of light epiphany when it hit me!

Remus Lupin is called "Mooney" because he because a werewolf at the full MOON!
James Potter is called "Prongs" because of the PRONGS on the stag he becomes!
Sirius Black is called "Padfoot" because he becomes a dog with PADS on his FEET!
Peter Pettigrew is called "Wormtail" because as a rat, his TAIL looks like a WORM!!!!

I can't believe that never clicked for me before during any of the previous 5 readings (overall) or even when I saw the movie versions!  It's really so simple!!!!  I was frustrated because I couldn't remember who was who, but now it's not a problem!!!!

Anyway, I still want to know how many times Ron, Hermoine, and Harry have ended up in the hospital.....(I know I'm forgetting something!  I'll try to remember to add to this list as I go through the last 5 books!  I don't know why it matters to me; it just does....)

Harry:  Book 1:  at the end after he fights Voldemort
Book 2:  when his arm is broken and then Professor Lockhart gets rid of all the bones in his arm; Book 3:  end when all 3 are there--Harry because he was attacked by the Dementors

Ron:  Book 3:  at the end when all 3 are there--Ron because of his broken leg, especially

Hermoine:  Book 2:  when she becomes a cat and again later when she is petrified
Book 3:  at the end when all 3 are there--Hermoine because she was attacked by the Dementors

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