Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Choices of Steel Magnolias

I don't even know where to begin when it comes to writing about Kristin Hannah's THE NIGHTINGALE. I knew going in to the read that it is a book about WW2 and that it would be a difficult read. What I didn't know was just how INTENSE (thanks, mom) it would be. I have always found war stories (movies, in particular) difficult to read or watch. I have only recently made it all the way through SAVING PRIVATE RYAN and I only did that because my son wanted to watch it. I feel it is important for us as parents to watch such movies with our kids, so in spite of my own reservations, I "watched" it with him. (More like--was at least in the same room while the movie was on.) I made it through the movie, but it helped because my son and I talked about it periodically.

THE NIGHTINGALE is as intense--if not more so because, while it's definitely difficult enough to read and watch war stories about men, it is a true shock to the system to have a war story be about women. I don't want to lessen in any way the horrors of war in any regard for any individual. I am simply saying that we typically see and read war stories about men and/or through the perspective of men, so reading it about women through their perspectives is quite powerful and, well, Intense.

I thought an awful lot about STEEL MAGNOLIAS throughout my reading of THE NIGHTINGALE. Of how women are beautiful, sweet, gentle, lovely like Magnolia blossoms. But yet we have hearts and souls of steel. This story is a powerful representation of such women. I don't know which sister I love more: Isabelle or Vianne. Each fights this war in her own way and each proves to be a true NIGHTINGALE--a force to be reckoned with. When the soldier billeting with (that just means living with) Vianne is killed, because of the way he is killed, it is impossible to tell which sister actually gives the devastating, killing blow. That is a perfect example of how deeply intertwined these sisters are--their lives, their hearts--their very souls.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, be sure that you have a box of tissues when you read Kristin Hannah's THE NIGHTINGALE. In spite of the fact that it is an intense read that rips your heart out, it is well worth the read. It is important for us down throughout history to "see" the horrors of war--and not JUST through the eyes of men and certainly not just through the eyes of some textbook written by the so-called "winners." We tend to romanticize the horrors of war into some epic love story; there is NO romance to war--only HORROR.

And the CHOICES each sister makes--must make--for survival--not just for herself, but her family, friends, children, and loved ones. Choices. Impossible Choices. Unspeakable Choices. Choices removed but yet still leaving them with the horror of choosing. Choices.

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