Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I'm on Book 6, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, chapter 9, so keep that in mind if you've finished the series....and I happen to be wrong with what I say about Snape!

I was taking a break from reading and I had one of those random thoughts that I can get when I read something that makes me think (much unlike Stephen King's Needful Things):  Harry and Snape are both very much misunderstood.  They are more alike than Harry wants to see or admit. 

Think about it.  Snape has, his whole life, been abused  and ridiculed by his classmates because he's different.  He's been seen as someone to be hated, despised because of his appearance, the fact that he's different, and because he truly has an affinity--a gift--for the Dark Arts--the part of the magical world that truly represents evil incarnate.  Yet, he is the one, as I've mentioned previously, who saved Harry during the Quidditch match.  The amazing thing to me that really shocked me enough that I HAD to type this out immediately is that, in spite of all the negatives where Snape is concerned, not only does Dumbledore trust and respect him, his fellow teachers at Hogwarts do, too!  Professor McGonagall has always backed up everything Snape has said or done, especially as far as Harry is concerned.  Even Hagrid has tried to say that Snape's not so bad.  Anyone with friends can't be ALL bad....!

Harry hasn't necessarily been abused/ridiculed by his classmates for his differences--Draco Malfoy notwithstanding--but he has, from the moment he survived Voldemort's attack when Harry was a baby, been  stared at and talked about and looked at as someone is diffferent from everyone else!  Of course, Harry tries his best to keep those around him safe.  And look at all the friends he has.  Look at all the people who stand behind/beside Harry throughout his experiences.

Of course, the Durseley's also misunderstand Harry.  He started living with them as just a baby, but rather than getting to know the person of Harry Potter, they hated and were afraid him simply because his parents were a witch and a wizard.  They have never even given Harry a chance to be a part of their family, even though Harry is the best of them.  Their fear of what Dumbledore might do to them if they mistreat Harry hasn't even been able to keep them from being unnecessarily cruel.  (Why can't Harry see that in not giving Snape a chance, he's doing EXACTLY the same thing the Durseley's have always done with him?!)

I think that's where the biggest difference comes to play between Snape and Harry--Snape has not always had friends to help support and encourage him, but Harry has ALWAYS had friends.  Granted, in the beginning his friends were essentially just Ron and Hermoine, but as others have gotten to know Harry, too, and as Harry has realized that there are more people in the world than he, Ron, and Hermoine, his circle of friends, family, and loved ones has grown exponentially.  It's this difference that truly sets Snape and Harry apart.  But it's also this very difference that is the very reason why Snape is going to be THE ONE to ultimately save Harry's life when it really counts.

I believe in Snape.  He is NOT a bad guy.  His negative/cruel treatment of Harry is, as Snape sees it, for Harry's own good, as well as to throw Voldemort off the scent.  He can't be seen to care about Harry in any, way, shape, form, or fashion, but in reality, Snape believes in Harry's ability to defeat Voldemort and he is going to--ultimately--do whatever it takes to ensure that happens.

It's very frustrating for me as I'm reading this series that Harry continues to hate Snape as he does.  He continues to misjudge people over and over and over.  I mean, come on, what "idiot" reading the series couldn't tell from the very beginning that Harry would end up realizing how amazing Ginny is?!  Oh, he's gotten it right on a lot of occassions, but when it counts, Harry can't see the forest for the trees.  He didn't see the good in Grawp, now, did he?!  But Grawp and Hagrid are hitting it off and things are looking up for these brothers!  I want Harry to see Snape's true heart and not the person on the outside!

Think about it!  God doesn't look on the outside, He looks on the inside!  If Harry would just give Snape a chance, he'd see that Snape is truly someone to be respected and who could truly be a great asset to Harry's family/friends!  Look at how many people didn't want to give Harry a chance.  They judged him based on what they'd read in the papers, but when Dumbledore stood up for Harry and then when the evidence/facts came out that Harry had been right all along, everyone finally wants to be Harry's best friend and/ore everyone is making a big deal that he's Harry Potter.  Just look at the way Harry seemed to look down on Neville Longbottom--until Dumbledore shared Neville's story about his parents, and then the fact that Neville could have been the boy in the prophecy Voldemorte is so scared of.  That's when Harry finally started seeing Neville in a different light and he, along with others, are seeing Neville as someone worthy.....Even Professor McGonagall, in Book 6, praises/encourages Neville when she's giving out class assignments!  She's NEVER encouraged him [so openly] before!

I just can't wait until Snape proves himself to Harry!!!!

(Oh, glory, I hope I'm right about this!)

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