Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I am finally reading the last and final book in the HARRY POTTER series and, I must say that I am upset about something.....keep in mind, now, that I am now offically a Potter fan as much as I am a Twi-hard.  I've THOROUGHLY enjoyed the series and I really want to be reading as soon as I finish my school work and Blogging a little bit.

As a teacher, it's KILLING me (metaphorically) that Harry, Ron, and Hermoine are NOT going to finish school.  I KNOW that Harry has to go after Voldemort.  This whole thing has to come to the only natrual conclusion that is possible, but it still drives a knife in where my teacher's heart is that they are going to look for the Horcruxes/fight Voldemort rather than complete their 7th year at Hogwarts.

I had a hard time when Fred and George Weasely flew off on their broomsticks when they only had a few weeks left of their last year, but it did seem pretty obvious from the very beginning that their finishing their wizarding education was doomed.  They certainly are doing quite well with their joke store without having finished at Hogwarts which is true quite often of very successful businessfolks.

It doesn't quiet my teacher's desire to see ALL KIDS finish their education.  What if someone reading the series takes away from the series the idea that education isn't important?!

Granted, I haven't heard of that happening and I've never heard anyone who has quit school say, "Well, Harry Potter, Hermoine Granger, and Ron Weasely didn't finish their wizarding education, so why do I have to finish mine?" 

But.....still......I know that the argument can be made that they are simply getting a real-world education which can be--is--in many if not most cases, more more beneficial than sitting in a classroom bored out of their minds or not learning anything because their mi.  nds are in other places rather than in the classroom.

But I am a teacher and as a teacher, I just want Harry, Ron, and Hermoine to finish their education--even if it is a wizarding education......

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