CHOOSE JOY by Kay Warren
Joy (as defined by Warren): Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in all things (30).
She says that joy and sorrow run “inseparably throughout our days” down a “set of parallel train tracks” (27).
“God is the only true source of joy” (95).
The Laughing Christ—(see the two pics below—I love the image of Jesus laughing and smiling!) Jesus was a man of joy who actually was very funny, telling jokes within his parables! It’s our modern world that doesn’t “get” his jokes!

Joy is a CHOICE.
Joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness is all about a moment….an action….a feeling…Happiness comes as goes as quickly and as fleetingly as moments do. We can not find Joy in happiness. Joy is (see above)—in the good times AND the bad/hard/difficult/challenging/low/etc., etc., etc. times in life.
*The sweet irony of reading Kay Warren’s book is that God gave me a similar message over a year ago. It think 2009 was my “Year of Joy.” During that year, my planner was beautifully embossed with “The JOY of the Lord is my strength!” Of course, I didn’t buy that planner in 2008 for 2009 with the thought that 2009 would be the “Year of Joy” for me; I bought that particular planner in 2008 because it was a gorgeous purple color that I just HAD to have! Isn’t God funny how He works? Throughout the year of 2009, God worked a lot in my life regarding JOY. I have at least 2 post-its in my Bible with words from the Lord regarding JOY: “You can Have ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy.’ I’ll take the JOY of the Lord is my Strength!” And, “Make a Decision that I’m not going to anyone or anything rob me of my JOY or keep me from seeing the JOY that is in my life in knowing Jesus as my Lord and Savior!”
I also did a Bible study on JOY put together by the Women of Faith.
I did my own personal Bible study on the word JOY (and all its forms), finding all the references in the Bible to the word JOY (in various translations) and marking each and every one of them in my various Bibles! I even bought myself a pink Bible (NKJV) wherein to mark all said references and in that Bible, as well as all my other Bibles, I marked all the references in PINK because the color of JOY is pink! My favorite verses and the ones I’ve claimed for my life are: “You love what is right and hate what is wrong. Therefore, God, [my] God, has anointed [me], pouring out the oil of joy on [me] more than anyone else” (Psalm 45:7 & Hebrews 1:9). JUMOY!
During that time, I also came up with a catch-phrase for myself: JUMOY! (Jump for Joy) It doesn’t work as an answer when someone asks me how I’m doing (I started saying “Peachy” like my Daddy because that just comes out better), but I do get to use it a lot!
During that time I also spent QUALITY time weeping/sobbing and pouring out my heart before the Lord—on my face. I remember feeling both drained and rejuvenated at the same time as I stood up off the floor of First Assembly of God in Hickory, NC. It was truly very healing. That was the night that started me on my Journey to Joy (which I’m still traveling, just in case you’re wondering).
Now for those of you who think I’m nothing more than a “Pollyanna” who always finds something to be Glad about, let me share some of the trials I’ve been through:
1. In December 1998, I had surgery to remove my left ovary and part of my fallopian tube because of a cyst. I was 6 months pregnant with my first son at the time.
2. On March 16, 1999, I went in for my regular doctor’s appointment (I had two weeks to go until my due date). There was no heartbeat. We did an ultrasound to be sure, but the only heartbeat we heard was mine. I had to go through labor and delivery; James Isaac was stillborn the following day, March 17, 1999. He’d been gone for almost a week, but I had no idea until that moment in the doctor’s office when we didn’t hear the heartbeat.
3. In November of that same year, just days before Thanksgiving, I miscarried my second baby, who I named Panya Ruth. (I wanted a girl so bad. I’m fairly confident she’s a girl because of a very real dream I had later the following year.)
4. *I feel odd throwing this one in here, but during all this time, I lost several jobs. I was let go from a Christian Bookstore! (I know! ME! From a Christian Book store! I still don’t know what happened there!) I was let go from a bank I worked at. (No real big loss there except for the fact that I really needed the job.) I was let go from Tri-City Christian School after two years of teaching all 4 high school English classes as well as both Spanish 1 and 2. (The Lord had been telling me it was time to go, but it was still a hard loss.)
5. In November of 2005, just days before Thanksgiving (this isn’t the first nor will it be the last), I had another miscarriage. I do believe another girl: Anna Rose. (This one happened on campus where I left a blood trail down the classroom and had to be taken off campus in an ambulance. VERY traumatic for me.)
6. On the Sunday before Thanksgiving in 2010, James raced me to the ER at Frye where I was suffering from an infection from Diverticulitus. I stayed in the hospital for a whole week while Dr. Cox attempted to control the infection with medication. When an attempt to drain the infection failed, I was rushed in to emergency surgery immediately afterwards where I was given a stoma and had to wear an ostomy bag for three months. I stayed in the hospital for another week after my surgery. Believe it or not, for me, the worst part of that whole experience were the hallucinations!
7. Three months later, I went in for my reversal surgery where Dr. Cox reconnected my large intestine so I no longer have to wear a bag as well as removed 8 inches of my colon. I stayed in the hospital for a week after that surgery. (Recovery for both of these was slow, embarrassing, and very embarrassing.)
8. In October of that same year, I started bleeding—AGAIN. I’d been having trouble with bleeding too much and too often since my first surgery, but this time was the last straw. Dr. Merta found I had a polyp that had to be removed. This one was a day surgery, but in many ways, it was more painful than any of the previous surgeries! I remember screaming in pain while in the hospital.
9. I’m putting this as a separate one because even though other factors affect this one, it stands alone because of its importance: Samuel is the only living child I will ever have.
These are just the major sorrows that stand out throughout the years that I have had to deal with. So when you see me with a huge smile on my face….or when you hear me laughing from deep within….or when you hear me say that I’m “Peachy,” I would like for you to know that it’s because I have asked the Lord to pour out His oil of JOY on me more than anyone else, and I believe—no, I KNOW—He has answered my prayer. It is ONLY in and through Him that have JOY in my life and in my heart.
Otherwise, if I wasn’t a quivering mess lying in my bed never coming out except to go to the bathroom and/or to eat junk food (right, that means not bathing), then I’d be 6-feet under because I’d have to end the pain I continue to fight each and very day.
But the bottom line is that I DO CHOOSE JOY—I do choose to live a life of JOY. That doesn’t mean that I’m successful every day or that I don’t have the “bad” feelings every once in a while, but I know, from the depths of my soul, that, truly, the JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH (Nehemiah 8:10)!!!!! JUMOY!