Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I'm working on it....

Louise DeSavlo's book WRITING AS A WAY OF HEALING: HOW TELLING OUR STORIES TRANSFORMS OUR LIVES came out in 1999.  Even 16 years later, every word in her book rings true and is valuable for anyone going through the healing process.  As a writer, I recommend EVERYONE follow DeSalvo's premise of writing as a way of healing.  I realize, though, that not everyone finds healing in writing.  If that is true, then I am going to take a little side path from DeSalvo's text to say that I think that when it comes to healing, each person should find what he/she loves to do--writing, dancing, gardening, etc., etc., etc.--and do it.  Use your passion for what you love to do lead to your healing.  Of course, like DeSalvo, I personally do agree that writing is a perfect outlet and does lead to healing, but I love to write.  I not only love to write, I HAVE to write.  If writing isn't for you, then find what it is that you HAVE to do and do and allow yourself to be healing through the doing....

I have been writing my own story of healing for a while now.  I am currently working on getting my memoir ready for publication and in the meantime, I have a blog where I add posts that are directly related to the topic of my memoir.  Please feel free to read my blog if you'd like:

Thursday, April 9, 2015

My newest obsession.....Dexter

When I first started watching DEXTER a year or so ago, I had no idea that it was originally a series of books.  As soon as I learned that it is (was), I bought and downloaded the first book in the series to my Nook!  I still have two seasons left to watch of the tv show that was on HBO, but I'm already feeling separation anxiety!  I just can't get enough of Dexter!  I have no idea why I'm so fascinated with him except to say that I've always been interested in psychology in general and why people do the things they do.  Watching Dexter, and now reading the book, he is a wonderful psychological study!  And what makes him even that much more interesting is the fact that he is very intelligent--he's is very well and highly educated!  He knows all the psychological babble!  He knows what he is and why--where and when his "Dark Passenger" began.  He is aware enough that even though he is a blood spatter analyst for the Miami Dade Homicide Department, he is also somewhat of a Profiler.  His co-workers and colleagues trust his judgment about crime scenes!  He's SMART.  But he's a serial killer.  It's just too fascinating!  

Plus, it doesn't hurt that Michael C. Hall is just gorgeous!  I know I'd easily be charmed by his swagger and lop-sided smile!!!!

If there is only one book you ever read.....

Obviously, this was not my first time reading Harper Lee's wonderful TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, but reading it as an adult vs. reading it as a young person are vastly different!  I loved the book when I first read it more than 25 years ago.  I have always remembered it and have told anyone who would listen that it's one of THE greatest books ever written and that it should be REQUIRED reading for EVERYONE.  Reading it again as an adult, it's still one of THE greatest books ever written and I still believe that it should be REQUIRED reading for EVERYONE.  It seriously is just THAT GOOD.  Thank you, Harper Lee, for writing such an amazing story.  I can't wait for the new book being released later this year!!!!