Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Another Joyce Meyer book worth reading

 I don't know why I seem to be reading so many Joyce Meyer books lately, but as I look back over my reading list for the past few years, I have read quite a few of her books.  She just has some books that I've wanted to read.  I'm probably not done reading books by her, but I'm not choosing her books necessarily on purpose.  With that being said, I do always receive a lot of great insight when I read books by Joyce Meyer and BEAUTY FOR ASHES is no different.  If I could, I would go through and highlight her the passages/words/phrases that stood out for me throughout this book.  

The only problem I have with BEAUTY FOR ASHES--if "problem" is the right word--it isn't, but I can't think of anything better that fits right now--is that Meyer focuses this book on victims of physical abuse.  Because I am not really a victim of abuse, that part of the book kind of got in the way for me, but that is not to say that
the book isn't valuable even for those who have not suffered abuse.  It's just that abuse is the basis for everything she discusses in this particular book.

I look forward to the day when God will "give [me] joy instead of mourning, a garment of praise instead of a heavy, burdened and failing spirit, and beauty instead of ashes" (Isaiah 61:3).

Friday, September 19, 2014

Guest post by Staley S. Stroud for THROUGH THE WOODS by Emily Carroll

Staley's review   (from Goodreads)
Aug 24, 14

bookshelves: read-in-2014
Read in August, 2014

Oh. My. Goodness. Holymolyholymolyholymolyholymoley.

This is the most hauntingly beautiful book I have ever read! The illustrations alone will creep themselves into your brain and burrow down deep for nightmares to come. The writing and dialogue both have a way of whispering something right into your ear, giving chills and everlasting goosebumps. I don't think I will ever be able to explain in words how absolutely brilliant and freaking creepy and unique this graphic novel is. Emily Carroll has upped my fairy tale expectations to a point that I will probably never be able to happen across a graphic novel that will captivate my heart like this little gem did.

I just want to take a moment to gush over the cover and the illustrations. The cover effectively sets the tone for the stories and it will definitely draw you in whether or not you want to be. The woods are enchanting and inviting (just look at those white trees on the cover!) - they are raised and textured, and if you look closely enough, you can see claws branching out to grab you. You will be captivated by each and every story, and you will probably skim through the whole book needing to see the stories before you can actually bring yourself to read them. That's the beauty of this graphic novel: you don't have to read it in order to feel the eeriness. The words and the dialogue only add to the horror and suspense that you already feel.

There are five stories in this collection, plus an introduction and conclusion.

'Our Neighbor's House' tells the tale of three sisters who are left to fend for themselves when their father does not return from his hunt. What happens when a man in a wide-brimmed hat starts visiting them in the dead of night?

'A Lady's Hands are Cold' has a "Bluebeard" feel, when a young woman goes hunting through her new husband's house for the source of a mysterious song.

'His Face All Red' is my personal favorite. It tells the tale of a man who has it on good authority that the person claiming to be his brother is an impersonator.

'My Friend Janna' is about two friends who get into the medium business; contacting spirits of people's deceased loved ones.

'The Nesting Place' introduces us to Bell, who is staying with her brother and his fiancee while she's on
holiday. . .but she discovers something terrifying in the woods near the house.

And then the ending, the 'conclusion' of the entire book, is a story on its own, too. It is by far my favorite part of the book since it seems to be an obvious nod to Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. Yes, the entire book is influenced by this fairy tale as well, but here is where it all starts and ends, and it is truly brilliant!

I know these stories will linger in my mind for years to come. . .and I'm not ashamed to say that I might sleep with the light on tonight.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Another great novella by Jodi Picoult before LEAVING TIME's release

Now I am even more excited than ever for the October release of LEAVING TIME!!!!  Jodi Picoult's LARGER THAN LIFE is beautiful, tender, and a true page-turner that has only made me that much more excited about the release of her new book.  Why Jodi is not on EVERYONE'S reading list, I will never know.  For the past 10 years or so, I have bought Jodi's new books as they have come hot off the presses.  Yes, in hardback.  I do not regret a single purchase.  Owning all of her books is a goal of mine, but not just owning them, reading them, loving them, enjoying them for the greats works of literature that they are.  I would have to say that of all the authors writing in the twenty-first century, Jodi Picoult's books represent the world, humanity as it currently is.  A hundred years from now, people will still be reading her books not just for their amazing literary value, but also for their historical value in understanding humanity and the culture of today.  Keep on writing, Jodi, and I'll keep on reading and enjoying!!!!!

Jodi Picoult Continues to Prove She's Amazing

Jodi Picoult continues to hold my rapt attention with every single one of her books!  I am excited about her new books coming out in October!  In the meantime, she has written a novella or two that she has graciously shared with us in preparation for LEAVING TIME's release date.  WHERE THERE'S SMOKE is one of those hang-on-to-every-word books that I read in one sitting and wanted to keep going!!!  I can't wait to read more about this amazing character in LEAVING TIME!!!!  Thanks, Jodi, for sharing this great "little" story with us!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

HP just keeps getting better and better with every read!

Wow.  Just Wow.

I can't help wondering if Rowling had all these connections figured out before she ever started Book 1 or if they just kinda, sorta happened in a natural way.  Those of you who have read the series, you know what I'm talking about.  So many things come full circle from the beginning to the closing of the series.  It's actually overwhelming.

I have always been someone who remembers a LOT of details from the books I read.  I'm not bragging; it's the simple truth.  It's why Reading and teaching literature is my gift and I know I'm doing what I'm meant to do.  Just like some people can remember stats from football/baseball/basketball/soccer/etc. games even from 50 years ago, I can remember specific details about books I read even 20 years ago.  That doesn't keep me from re-reading my favorite books, I must say!

With that being said, I still found myself in awe of the details that Rowling brings full circle in Book 7--things I'd completely forgotten about or hadn't paid much attention to when I read the first 6 books.  It's INCREDIBLE how well she remembers every tiny detail and makes them all fit together so neatly.

I can't help but wonder how she was able to keep everything she remembered so many details.  I know she wrote the series and that makes her THE ABSOLUTE authority on the series, but it's still so incredible to imagine that she was able to remember even the minutest of details and she brings them up at the right moment and connects the dots.....Although, it appears that Harry and Voldemort are distantly related, but Harry never seems to make that connection.  I find that a bit odd.  It seems to be an important point--at least it does to me.


Quickly, why I love Book 7 (and/or the series):

1.  See what I stated above.  Just so incredible!!!  As a writer-wanna-be, I'm in awe!!!

2.  Rowling definitely pulls from mythology, many previous stories, and THE LORD OF THE RINGS series.  There are many great connections and similar plot devices, yet at the same time, the STORY itself is unique.  It's not a re-telling of older stories; it's a unique story that uses older stories woven throughout.  Genius.  Absolutely genius.

3.  So many "secrets" are revealed in Book 7.  What makes that even more incredible is that there are secrets revealed that we, the readers, didn't even realize were secrets that needed to be revealed!  LOL!

4.  The story CAN BE SEEN as a Christian allegory focused especially on the theme of love (sacrificial love).  Whether Rowling meant for that to be true or not,--(I know Tolkien absolutely hated that people said he intended to write an allegory--he admitted that allegory CAN BE SEEN in THE LORD OF THE RINGS series, but he in no way wrote the story with that particular intention)--it's definitely there.

5.  One feature that makes a great book great, is that we fall in love with the characters--we CARE about the characters--we become so much a part of the story that we feel as if they are OUR best friends, too--but especially that when the story is over, we just want more!  Rowling is successful in each area to the nth degree!  I bawled like a baby when my favorite characters died.  At times, I was in such shock at certain deaths that tears wouldn't come even though I was terrible horrified.  What was so great about this read is that even though it's my third time (I think) reading book 7, I still cried, I still felt each and every part of the story as if I was reading it for the first time.  Awesome.

6.  That Samuel has read the whole series, too, and he loves it, too.  I love that we share this!  He'll talk to me about things he learned from the story!  I've even been able to use examples from the story to help Samuel in certain situations in his life.  I know when I use the examples from the series that he GETS IT.  (Don't get me wrong, now.  I use the Bible when I'm helping Samuel with life lessons, but it can't be denied that the HP series has great life examples that those of us who have read it can easily connect with.)

7.  The whole story focuses on the anti-hero theme.  Harry is not a great wizard, he doesn't have any especially powers, he's not the best in his class, and he even has physical flaws--something no true hero has in much of the early British Literature.  Hermoine would have been a better hero, but even she has physical flaws what with her bushy hair, overly large teeth, and know-it-all-ness.  Even Neville, the most anit-heroic character ever, shines and helps save the day in Book 7!  It's difficult not to shout for joy at Neville's incredible bravery in Book 7!!!!  I love that the heroes in the HP series aren't perfect.  Beowulf and other perfect characters like him make me want to punch them in the throat.  But these flawed, imperfect characters are relatable, and--it makes me feel if these flawed characters can be heroes, maybe I can be one, too!!!!

8.  It's just plain and simply a GREAT series!!!!

*Read on the Nook.*

Started:  August 4, 2012
Finished:  August 10, 2012

Started again:  March 31 (?), 2013
Finished again:  April 8, 2013
Started (again):  Friday, August 22, 2014
Finished (again):  Saturday, September 13, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Finding Happiness

Gretchen Rubin's THE HAPPINESS PROJECT is her wonderful story of taking one whole year to find more fun and happiness in life.  She is beautifully honest in her successes as well as her failures.  I especially love that she clearly states that everyone's "Happiness Project" is/will be different.  She is simply sharing hers as an example and we can use her examples or not as we so choose....which is the way it should always be with projects/books such as hers.  Gretchen's ideas are certainly worthy of copying, but like her, what if I do really LOVE to watch tv while someone around me thinks that's it's "of the devil!"  Should I be ashamed that I LOVE watching tv (movies, in particular)?  Absolutely not.  If it's something I enjoy, something that makes me HAPPY, then I should enjoy it when I have an opportunity to--and receive the happiness from it!!!!  Anyone searching for my happiness in his/her life will more than likely enjoy reading Gretchen's story!

When the Cesspools are deep....JOY

Barbara Johnson's SPLASHES OF JOY IN THE CESSPOOLS of life is worthy of its title.  I can't believe I never actually read this book!  As I have been studying and reading everything I can get my hands on about Joy, I realized that I already had a few books on my shelf; this book was one of them.  When I opened it, I was pleasantly reminded that it had been a college graduation gift from my favorite high school English teacher, Mrs. Godwin.  How sweet!  Barbara reminds us that we are capable of joy even in the worst cesspools of life imaginable.  Her humor certainly brought a huge smile to my face throughout my reading of her book.

I was a little disappointed that so much of the book focused on her son's coming out, but since I know that we write what we know, I certainly understood that being a huge part of her focus.  It didn't detract from the book for me; I simply wanted her to use other examples besides that.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Definitely a resource worth its money

There isn't much to blog about when it comes to a book that is part handbook and part reader beyond the fact that THE CHRISTIAN WRITER'S MARKET GUIDE 2014:  YOUR COMPREHENSIVE RESOURCE FOR GETTING PUBLISHED by Jerry Jenkins seems to be the must read resource for anyone hoping to break into the publishing industry--in the Christian Market......There are some great articles by various authors, including Jerry Jenkins, as well as the list of publishers, their publishing guidelines, agents, magazines, etc....everything a Christian writer needs to break into the market and create a product worth selling.

Here's hoping.....!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Joy---Fruit of the Spirit

NINE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT:  JOY by Robert Strand is a good, simple Bible Study on Joy as a fruit of the spirit--nothing new there!  Strand provides background as well as great questions to help the student focus on JOY.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Time to DO some serious writing.....

This book by Michael Hyatt is exactly what the title says it is:  WRITING A WINNING NON-FICTION BOOK PROPOSAL.  Michael clearly and concisely states what creates a non-fiction book proposal that will get noticed by agents.  He even clearly tells the reader how to avoid the slush pile.  Of course, writing a book proposal following Michael's plan does not guarantee me--the writer/author--acceptance by said agents, but he does indicate that the qualities he explains help at least get the writer noticed rather than in the slush pile.  I, for one, hope and pray that I am not denied access to an agent just because I haven't done my homework and I don't (can't or won't) follow the simple instructions/expectations as provided by the experts--those who either are current agents or are past agents--or even those who have successfully written, sold, and published a book!

Here's hoping and praying all this homework is going to pay off.....!!!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Feasting on JOY

Dr. Martha Beck’s The Joy Diet:  10 Daily Practices for a Happier Life is my new favorite non-fiction book.  I love the humor she incorporates into her writing.  In so many way, she writes in a manner similar to

my writing style which means not only do I GET what she’s saying, I feel it on a deeper, emotional level than your average book.  It’s not every day we read books that are written in such a manner and I relish—I FEAST—on that wonder!!

If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you might have noticed that I’ve read quite a few books within the past year that have the word JOY in the title in some way, shape, form, or fashion.  You might be wondering if that has been done on purpose on my part.  The answer is, “Duh!  Yeahabstolutely!!!” 

For years now, I have struggled with depression.  It has taken me down and I have had a very difficult time coming out of it.  As someone who prefers to look at the glass as half full, seeing it as half empty instead has created great disharmony deep within my soul and has left me greatly wanting.  I don’t remember exactly which year it was, but about five years ago, I bought a planner that was beautifully decorated with the word “joy” on it and a scripture verse on joy.  That was the catalyst that began my Joy Journey.  It has taken me years—and will probably take me even more years—to come to a place of Joy in my life.

I can’t get enough of JOY.  I want to read about it all the time.  I want to see the word in print.  I want to see it plastered everywhere.  I want to say it as often as I possibly can.  I want to feel it to the deepest marrow of my bones down in the deepest part of my soul.  I want to be a Woman of Joy. 

I hate the depression.  It is a true joy-killer, but even more than that, it is a self-killer.  I have hated myself.  I have hated my life.  And, tragically, I have hated even some of my loved ones.  With depression comes:  sadness, hate, enslavement, anger, low self-esteem, wickedness, doubt, self-hatred, ugliness, destruction, regret, lies, deception, danger, and the horrific list goes on and on.

With Joy, though, there is:  Life!  Happiness!  Wonderment!  Songs!  Freedom!  Peace!  Love!  Assurance!  Truth!  Beauty!!!  Safety!  Compassion!  Love of self!  Laughter!  Deep, belly-shaking, wonderful, loud Guffaws!!!  And the wonderful list goes on and on and never ends!!!

I, personally, would much rather live a life of JOY than a life filled with depression.  I have experienced both and, trust me, Joy is the much better of the two! 

Thank you, Dr. Beck, for writing your wonderful book.  Your words have inspired me.  I have even had a breakthrough with my own Memoir that I’ve been struggling with for close to a year!  I, for one, plan to work every single day at living a life of Joy using THE JOY DIET as a foundation for moving forward.