Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Feasting on JOY

Dr. Martha Beck’s The Joy Diet:  10 Daily Practices for a Happier Life is my new favorite non-fiction book.  I love the humor she incorporates into her writing.  In so many way, she writes in a manner similar to

my writing style which means not only do I GET what she’s saying, I feel it on a deeper, emotional level than your average book.  It’s not every day we read books that are written in such a manner and I relish—I FEAST—on that wonder!!

If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you might have noticed that I’ve read quite a few books within the past year that have the word JOY in the title in some way, shape, form, or fashion.  You might be wondering if that has been done on purpose on my part.  The answer is, “Duh!  Yeahabstolutely!!!” 

For years now, I have struggled with depression.  It has taken me down and I have had a very difficult time coming out of it.  As someone who prefers to look at the glass as half full, seeing it as half empty instead has created great disharmony deep within my soul and has left me greatly wanting.  I don’t remember exactly which year it was, but about five years ago, I bought a planner that was beautifully decorated with the word “joy” on it and a scripture verse on joy.  That was the catalyst that began my Joy Journey.  It has taken me years—and will probably take me even more years—to come to a place of Joy in my life.

I can’t get enough of JOY.  I want to read about it all the time.  I want to see the word in print.  I want to see it plastered everywhere.  I want to say it as often as I possibly can.  I want to feel it to the deepest marrow of my bones down in the deepest part of my soul.  I want to be a Woman of Joy. 

I hate the depression.  It is a true joy-killer, but even more than that, it is a self-killer.  I have hated myself.  I have hated my life.  And, tragically, I have hated even some of my loved ones.  With depression comes:  sadness, hate, enslavement, anger, low self-esteem, wickedness, doubt, self-hatred, ugliness, destruction, regret, lies, deception, danger, and the horrific list goes on and on.

With Joy, though, there is:  Life!  Happiness!  Wonderment!  Songs!  Freedom!  Peace!  Love!  Assurance!  Truth!  Beauty!!!  Safety!  Compassion!  Love of self!  Laughter!  Deep, belly-shaking, wonderful, loud Guffaws!!!  And the wonderful list goes on and on and never ends!!!

I, personally, would much rather live a life of JOY than a life filled with depression.  I have experienced both and, trust me, Joy is the much better of the two! 

Thank you, Dr. Beck, for writing your wonderful book.  Your words have inspired me.  I have even had a breakthrough with my own Memoir that I’ve been struggling with for close to a year!  I, for one, plan to work every single day at living a life of Joy using THE JOY DIET as a foundation for moving forward.

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