Worth the read. I have to say, though, that considering the fact that I love to read, I would have liked for the daily entries to be a bit longer. I understand wanting to keep them short and quick, but if I'm using something for a Bible Study, which was my plan/goal for CHOOSING JOY: A 52-WEEK DEVOTIONAL FOR DISCOVERING TRUE HAPPINESS, I want a little more meat to each entry. Of course, it does say right in the title that it is a devotional, not a Bible Study, so obviously I need to be sure I am choosing my Bible Studies accordingly! :)
This blog is for readers. I read a lot. I always post a review in Goodreads. The same review will be posted here. I welcome your comments, thoughts, and reviews, as well!
Great Books

To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Stormy Sword Characters
What in the world should I say about the third book in the GAME OF THRONES series that hasn't already been said, more than likely? Talk about E.P.I.C....!!! Wow. I have to admit that even though there are parts of the story that I find a bit TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........., overall, I am very caught up in the lives of these characters. There are certain ones I love and others not so much. Not in the conventional way a reader tends to get wrapped up in stories. There are too many characters to get too caught up with too many characters or to care too terribly much when certain characters die. I don't like that so many die, but they have to be weeded out. It's to be expected. I will say that I do have my favorites--
1. Catelyn. I like her a lot. She is a strong woman who has seen her share of horrors yet keeps finding a way to fight on regardless. She is incredible. I loved her husband, but she is more of a powerhouse than he was. It seems that because she's a woman, her husband outshone her. Just as Cercei's did. But now that Ned Stark is dead, Lady Catelyn's true character gets to come out in subtle, yet awesome ways. I love that this book ends with her.
2. Danerys. I love Dani. I love, love, love her. She is incredible. And she's only 14 years old! What a powerhouse. She is incredible. To wield the power the that she does....W.O.W. She has been through her share of trials yet she continues to overcome and come out more powerful and awesome than before.
3. Arya. Who doesn't love the younger daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark?! She's a lady. She's a warrior. She's a little girl of nine years old. She's a boy of nine. She's a fighter. She's a mouse. She has more names than anyone else in the series. She's murdered. She loves hard and fierce. Best of all, she's a wolf. I can't wait until her wolf comes back into the story. It's going to be A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
4. Sandor Clegane. I know I'm not supposed to like him, but I do. I love how he took care of Sansa--without taking care of Sansa. And then he did the same for Arya. He's supposed to be at death's door by the end of book 3, but I can't wait until he shows up again! I know he's going to have to meet his brother and I'm expecting the meeting to be something worthy of this series.
5. Jon. I love, love, love, love, love Jon. I did not like Yigrette, but I liked that Jon found some tenderness in all the crap he's had to deal with. Jon is lovable, likable, and just awesome. I don't like the fact that his bastardy is thrown in our faces at every turn, but at the same time, in order for us to GET his rise, we have to understand from how low he has come. I can not wait to see what happens to Jon in the next couple of books!
6. Tyrion. He is so unappreciated for all the good he has done for both his family and the people of the land. He is a dwarf who is taller than the tallest of men simply because of his character. He can't catch a break, though. At every turn he is accused of wrong-doing. He is a great scape-goat. I am tired of his being blamed for everything as he is. I am so glad he does what he does at the end of this book. I am so proud of him for taking such a stand. Now if he'll just do the same to his sister......I'll say this: I want him to end up with Sansa. I want her to see the good in him and to love him for who he is, not for what he looks like.
7. Jaime. He is becoming a different man. The loss of his hand has done something to him that was completely unexpected. Sure he's still attracted to his sister and that's disgusting, but he is becoming more than his sister's pawnish lover and again, I can't wait to see what happens with him.
8. Brienne. A man in a woman's body. Too ugly to be a woman. Too manly to be a woman. Yet utterly lovable. I admit that I am romantic enough that I want her and Jaime to get together....
I won't go into the characters I can't stand--this has already gotten longer than I anticipated. I am not only looking forward to reading the next books in the series, but I am also looking forward to watching the HBO series!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Not worth the read....Sorry, Sharon Lathan
I picked up MISS DARCY FALLS IN LOVE by Sharon Lathan because it is on the list of books for World Book Night 2014. I'd heard of authors writing novels in the style of Jane Austen and I've always been curious and intrigued by them; I just haven't had a chance to read one until now. Sadly, I was VERY disappointed. This novel is slow, taking forever to get to the point of any scene or detail. It drags worse than a snow plow full of snow. I trudged through it, but I was bored and couldn't wait to get to the end. It's predictable to the nth degree. Sometimes predictability is ok in a novel, but this novel just takes it over the top. The euphoria of the young lovers once they declare their love for one another is sickening rather than sweet. Their eyes shine. They both glow with love. Their passion is so powerful, it's overwhelming. He's so perfect because he checks his passion because he wants her first time to be special and perfect....blah, blah, blah. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. Needless to say, we will NOT be asking for a copy of MISS DARCY FALLS IN LOVE for our give-away for World Book Night on April 23, 2014!!!!
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