Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll

Honestly, poetry has never been something I've enjoyed much.  Of course, over the years, there have been a few poems that have caught my attention, and, before I knew it, I realized that I like poetry a lot more than I thought it did.  One poem that has really come to be something quite fun for me is Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky."  Why, you might ask?  Because it's just plain FUN.  I love the words that Carroll used in the poem--that he made up.  And I can never say "tum-tum" or "jub-jub" without a smile on my face!!!!  A few weeks ago in my British Lit class, the students who were doing a presentation on "Jabberwocky" had us come up with our made-up words so we could create our own version "Jabberwocky."  It was a lot of fun!  So much so that I created a new word for myself that I've officially incorporated it into my everyday vocabulary.  In case you haven't heard me say it before:  JUMOY!!!  It is a combination of Jump and joy to create my own version of "Jump for Joy"!!!!

I have been through at least 2 periods of severe depression in my life.  Surprising, just as a side note, I did not take any medication during those times to help with my depression.  Anyway, one the things I have learned is that quite often, we make a CHOICE about whether or not to stay in a state of depression (or any other feeling, whether it be a positive one or otherwise).

*Let me take a quick sidenote here to say that I am condoning the use of medical help, including medication, to help with depression, especially severe depression.  I am simply saying that for some people, it's a state of being that CAN be changed by changing our mind-set.  Obviously, if that doesn't work, I completely agree that doctors and medical help are not only necessary, but required.  (I hope I've  explained myself clearly.)

*Religious content next paragraph.....If you don't want to read the religious content, feel free to skip down a paragraph or two.*

Anyway, I hated being depressed.  I hated being sad and angry all the time.  I was frustrated with life.  I was frustrated with my marriage.  I was frustrated with everything and everyone, but especially myself.  I took a whole year and did a Bible Study on the word "joy."  I was surprised and excited to learn that JOY is something that is waiting for anyone who wants it.  "Joy" is in the Bible more times than I can count!!!!

I decided that I wasn't going to wallow in my self-pity or depression any more.  I didn't want to ask my doctor for medication to help with my depression.  (I probably should have--my husband probably wishes I had, but I just felt that I needed to try to pull myself out of the depression first.)  So I started trying to find things in my life that bring me JOY on a daily basis.  I found more things than I can count!!!  I won't list them all here, but suffice it to say that at the top of the list are:  my son Samuel, reading, writing, watching movies, going to church, being with my family, and scrapbooking.  And because I enjoy reading so very much, I started reading things on the lighter side rather than sad stories (which is why I try to avoid Nicholas Sparks, even though I have liked the books of his that I have read---I just didn't want to be sad!).

And one of the things that I soon ran across and read that made me smile and laugh was Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky."  So now can you see why it has become one of my favorite poems?

I'm including here links for two videos on youtube for "Jabberwocky."  One is the Muppet version of the poem and the other is the poem put to song by a group called the Dancing Blue Pandas.  (Those of you who know me and know how much I love pandas, can you see why I was drawn to their version of the poem?!)  Both videos are fun and make the poem even more enjoyable!!!!


  1. Wow... I know its easier to be honest with a digital wall, but still you write with no fear of ridicule or judgment. I always question whether I should, or if I even have the right, to truly speak my mind about what I feel in the pages of literature. Most of the time I feel... Other-ed, by my love of language. Sadly, it is not something that is held in high regard these days, and often times I find myself choosing silence. It seems that a love of writing and literature makes one seem pretentious, and even on a digital wall I find myself censoring as not to seem too enthused. It is impressive to see such honesty laid down in words. As humans, I believe we draw a little of ourselves in every piece of writing we compile with heart. That, I think, is what makes it so hard to share, Because when people read it, they aren't simply judging your writing, they are judging you.

    PS: I'm glad you enjoyed the presentation!

  2. I agree with your first statement of "Jabberwokky". I am the same as you, that is to say that poetry never really was what interested me. However, "Jabberwokky" shows us that poetry is not what we assumed. Most poetry tells of something great; love, lost, great adventures, heroes, and myths man does not want forgotten. Jabberwokky is really a bunch of nonsense words and phrases meant almost solely for the point of entertainment. I remember you telling us to never really assume what the reason is behind an author's work because we are NOT the author so we cannot know, but I think here it is pretty obvious that the man just wanted to have fun with poetry and there really is now significant reasoning behind it. The again I can be wrong and it could very well be a clue to a great treasure or secret meant to never be revealed as in a Dan Brown novel. One can only speculate

  3. Mrs. Watson that was a great read I always say you gotta smile in life its gotta be fun. Im glad this poem makes you smile its pretty good. im not much for the traditional poems but ive come around some and you know reading isnt my strong suit but because of you and your class ive grown a interest of reading so I can say youve helped me. But im really glad you keep a good mindstate its always a plus. Really good read. p.s. im not greatest with grammer I deliberatly was lazy and didnt put ' next to the places where it is sorry. I know! I gotta work on my lazyness. But really good read


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