Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Friday, September 30, 2011

5 Books that have influenced me the most

Topic #264:

What 5 books have influenced you the most?

This is a tough one.  I'm not sure I can keep it to just five, but here goes:

1.  COLD SASSY TREE by Olive Ann Burns.  This is just an amazing book that everyone should read.  It's a wonderful southern story with amazing southern characters who, even though it's been more than 20 years since I read the book for the first time, I still think about and talk about on a day-to-day basis!

2.  GONE WITH THE WIND by Margaret Mitchell.  This has always been my Mom's favorite book and it easily became one of mine.  I remember just as clear as day her telling me how difficult it was to get started with the book, but once she got passed the first 3 chapters, she couldn't put the book down!  I've seen the movie dozens of times and I've read the book several!  Although, I can open the book pretty close to where I want to be with my favorite parts!

3.  THE LOVELY BONES and LUCKY by Alice Sebold.  I had seen THE LOVELY BONES on the New York Times BestSeller list for more than a year and, of course, I was intrigued.  I finally picked up a copy of the book and flew through it in one day!  I quickly picked up LUCKY and flew through it as well.  Sebold told Suzie's story in such a way that--even as horrific as the story is--I was unable to put the book down!  It really is a very amazing, powerful book that everyone should read!!!

4.  IVANHOE by Sir Walter Scott.  LOVE, love, love, love, love this wonderful historical romance novel!!!!  It is the type of story I hope one day to write.  I love the way the story is written.  I love the names of the characters in the story.  I love the characters themselves.  There's sword fighting, jousting, father/son relationships, kings, princesses, Jews, knights, and romance out the wazoo!!!!  What isn't there to love about IVANHOE?!

5.  the whole HARRY POTTER series.  I have only recently read the whole series, but I quickly flew through the whole series once and then I turned right around and re-read the whole thing again!!!!  I think I've read the whole series 4 times all together!  The movies are definitely a lot of fun, but even more than the movies being wonderful, the books are just absolutely AMAZING!  Rowling definitely stole a little from other great literature, but the reality is that all the greats steal a little from the previous greats.  This is a series that should be read by and will definitely continue to be a true literary classic!!!

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