Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I need to Notice more.....

THE NOTICER by Andy Andrews is a book that doesn't fit into any neat category or genre.  At least, not one that I can find or even think of.  I was even trying to find out if it's a work of fiction or nonfiction, but I couldn't find that tid-bit of information anywhere!  (If you find it or know which it is, will you share, please?)

The book is about a man, Jones, who helps people see a new or different perspective on their lives and what's going on in their lives.  He helps a couple see that they really do love each other; they just aren't speaking each other's love languages.  I have to admit that I enjoyed that little vignette in particular.  Not [just] because my husband and I have similar issues, but mostly because Jones refers to the love languages as animals, making them much easier to remember!

Cat--the person who speaks the love language of physical contact
Canary--the person who receives and expresses love by quality time
Puppy dog--feel loved by spoken words of approval/affirmation
Goldfish--the person who feels loved with favors and deeds

Unlike Dr. Gary Chapman, Jones only refers to 4 love languages.  I certainly found it interesting to think of them in terms of animals.  It's always helped me remember the four main personality types.  (Dr. Gary Smalley uses animals to discuss the personality types in one of his earlier books.  I can't think of which one right at the moment.)

We all need a little perspective--a NEW perspective.  Even those with positive outlooks and everything going for them can benefit from a new perspective--if only to ensure that he/she continues to be positive and successful!

THE NOTICER is well worth the read if you ever get a chance to read it.

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