Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Gone, but won't be quickly or easily forgotten

I have one major complaint about Gillian Flynn's GONE GIRL:  the language.  I can't stand books with foul language.  It makes it sound like the person doesn't know how to speak in polite society.  Granted, it adds to my dislike of BOTH of the major characters of the story, but still--I'd just rather not have to read such language.

But this is one murder-mystery-gone-wrong book that honestly shocked me.  I was FLOORED when I
turned a page and IT was revealed.  Wow.  THAT was a twist I had not even considered and believe me, I'd been running every possible scenario (or so I'd thought) through my head, but THAT one wasn't one of them.  It was a GREAT twist that made me keep reading even though I should have been doing other things!!!!

Flynn artfully weaves into the story the stories we've all seen and/or read about on tv--quite often on the ID channel--where the spouse is ALWAYS the one "who done it."  By the time the reader gets to the first real major twist of the story, the read (ok, me at least, anyway) has been pulled in and believes everything--on both sides of the story!!!!

It's really fantastic the way certain details are revealed slowly and perfectly, right at the exact moment necessary to the story.  Some parts of the story are not at all surprises (Andie, for one), but overall, I was quite surprised by the turn GONE GIRL took and I anxiously await the movie premier.  I really hope the movie does this story justice!

I have to say that it's so very difficult writing about this story at all because everything I really want to say (write about) would give away a major plot point that might ruin the book for you and that's the last thing I want to do!  You really just need to read Gillian Flynn's GONE GIRL for yourself!!!!

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