Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

My fascination with the Countess continues

Haha!  The first book I finish in 2015 is a fictionalized text telling the story of Countess Elizabeth Bathory, DANDELIONS IN THE GARDEN by Charlie Courtland.  Awesome!  I accept that much of the parts of this version are completely made up by Ms. Courtland for the sake of fictionalized literature, but considering the fact that much of what we know about the Countess is not actually KNOWN anyway, it is always interesting to read what new authors think happened with the Countess.  I am absolutely fascinated by Elizabeth Bathory.  Her story is one that draws me like a moth to a flame.  I can't explain what it is about her that is so incredibly fascinating since so many of the details of her story are so incredibly gruesome, but I the fact remains that I am.  I don't know the exact number of books I have or that I have read concerning the Countess, but I would guess that this one is no less than the 5th fictionalized version not to mention the ones I have and/or have read that are based on actual accounts--as historians have the information from legal and historical documents to share.  I have watched the movies about her that I have been able to get a hold of.  Many of the movies about her are foreign films which makes watching them difficult.

Did you know that you can buy things like mouse pads, coffee

mugs, light switches, and other such trinkets with images of the real Elizabeth Bathory?  I've never gone that far in my fascination with her, but I do find it absolutely fascinating that things like that are available for those who want to buy them.  Oh, and there is even a wine in honor of her!  Apparently you can even go visit her castle and stay in a hotel in the village where they serve food and wine dedicated to the Countess' infamous legend.

Personally, I think what draws us more than anything is not just the blood and gore associated with her, but the fact that there are so many different legends that it is difficult to determine what is fact and what is fiction.  It does seem to be a consensus that the Countess Elizabeth Bathory murdered MANY young women--quite a few of them virgins--and murdered them in gruesome ways, quite often torturing the young women hideously prior to their deaths.  Some texts say that she killed only about 200 while others say that she killed more than 600 girls.  Since I also believe that Elizabeth had a violent temper and that she could fly into a rage faster than a you can shoo a fly, I do believe that the number of murdered girls was a high one.  

Of course my fascination will continue as I begin reading the 2nd book in Ms. Courtland's series called THE HIDDEN WILL OF THE DRAGON.  I am sure that these books will not be the last ones I read about the fascinating Countess!  

Here a few links in case you want to read a little more about her for yourself.

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