Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

I will share...I will BE my own Truth

I don't know what to say about Glennon's heart, LOVE WARRIOR. So much of her words resonated with me in every fiber of my being. So much of her story is so very different from mine, but yet so very many of her FEELINGS are MY feelings, too. What makes LOVE WARRIOR so incredibly amazing, as has already been discussed greatly, is the power of Glennon's TRUTH--her willingness to be vulnerable. (It's no surprise at all that she is teaming with Brene Brown to teach about being Love Warriors!) 

Truth is something we have been studying in my Sunday School class, specifically as it relates to Priscilla Shirer's ARMOR OF GOD, and how we must take EVERYTHING and compare it to the Word of God--the TRUTH. It has been quite powerful studying the belt of truth of how truth gives us Freedom. The more we acknowledge TRUTH and allow TRUTH to be our guide, the free-er we are. 

Glennon says the exact same thing, but in her own way, using her own personal experience. I heard Glennon say that she was more nervous about the release of this book than she has been anything else she's written because of the fact that she has shared so much of herself--she has exposed so much of her own TRUTH. I admire her so much for being willing to lay her heart before us, not asking us to love her as she is, but saying that regardless of whether we love her or not as she is, she loves herself--and she loves.....

As I have been sharing my story in my blog and with people around
me, I hear over and over again how these people find me "brave" in being so vulnerable in sharing my own personal truth. I don't feel that I'm being brave. To me, it's sharing my own Truth and telling others that I love myself exactly as God has created me, and I love.....

We hide behind our masks and only reveal our true selves when someone else shares her truth. Well, who is going to be the first one to open up if we all hide?

Like Glennon Doyle Melton, I am choosing to be unmasked and face the truth of my hurts, pain, sorrow, joys, love, life, friendships, faith, and on and on. I will sit in my "hot lonliness" and FEEL and become the LOVE WARRIOR I am meant to be.

Will you?

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