Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Promise to Read

My dad sent me a link for The Reading Promise several weeks ago.  At the time, when I was reading the link he sent me, I thought it was just a great interview with the father and daughter on the news show that had done the interview.  Then, I learned that it was actually a BOOK!  I think I was surfing the Barnes and Noble web site!  Needless to say, I bought the book the day I learned it was a book and started reading it that same day! 

I tore through it!  It is such a great book!  What a wonderful tribute to the wonder and joy of my favorite hobby:  reading!!!!  Finally!  Someone else GETS IT as far as reading is concerned!

I have always been an avid reader; reading several books at once--reading ALL THE TIME.  As Sweeney Todd says that his razors make his arm complete, I am most complete when I have a book (and pen) in my hands!!!!  I have been reading since before I was 4 years old.  I loved that my mom would read to me, but I couldn't wait for her to read the next chapter in a book, so I'd take the book and finish it on my own!!! 

I have been trying to read to my son, Samuel, more lately than usual.  I really enjoy that, too.  He's going to spend 6 weeks with his grandparents this summer--they live 4 hours away.  I keep trying to talk Samuel into letting me read to him over the phone (my parents don't have Skype access).  He tells me that he doesn't know if he can hold the phone to his ear for that long!!!  Maybe he'll let me....At least I know that if he doesn't let me read to him over the phone that my mom will read to him!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Books are important to me too and I wish everyone could love them like we do. Moreover, reading makes a person smart, and I wish everyone would realize that being smart is a plus and not a detriment.


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