Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I Crave!!

I also read Made to Crave by Lysa Tyrkhurst (sp?) this month.  (It's a religious book, so...again, if you don't want to read religious content, you might as well stop right here.)

I really enjoyed the book.  It was interesting to me, though to note that Lysa talks all the same things that my Thin Within Bible Study covered (I read that one during the month of May, in case I forgot to post about it).  What was even more interesting is that everything Lysa talks about, including her specific examples (yes, that includes Biblical examples especially) are EXACTLY what Gwen Shamblin covers in the Weigh Down program.

In case you don't know, I quit having anything to do with the Weigh Down program several months ago when I did some research on Gwen Shamblin's church.  In spite of the fact that I refuse to support Gwen Shamblin's cult anymore, I've always maintained that her weight loss concepts had a lot going for them:  focus on God rather than on food.  Allow HIM to fill me up instead of food.  Because I am trying to fill an empty place in me, I try to fill it with food, even though the reality is that the only way to fill that empty empty hole is with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Those concepts are right and true.  I never had any doubt about that.  I just can't support someone who doesn't believe the same as I do.  (You can read about Gwen's church Remnant Fellowship for yourself.  It's just an easy Google search away.  Type in the name of the church and have at it.  Maybe you'll disagree with me....It'd be nice to find out her church isN't a cult....)

Anyway, with Lysa repeating almost everything Gwen talks about, it just reinforced that the principle of focusing on God rather than food is RIGHT.  Both women lay it on the table that gluttony is a sin.  It's difficult to hear (read) something like that, but it's true.  We as a society tend to get caught up in the so-called obvious sins like drinking in excess, adultery, lying, and so on and so on, when in all reality, gluttony is a sin.  We need to quit sweeping it under the rug and face it for what it is.

I'm trying very hard to remember that God is more important than food.  Why is that so difficult?  Sadly, because I've turned to food longer than I've turned to Him.  Old habits do die hard.  But I'm killing them.  The Bible tells me (Paul writes about it) that I don't have to be a slave to sin or to my flesh and what my flesh wants.  I can have victory through the power--the blook--of Jesus Christ.  It is a CHOICE to walk in Victory rather than to allow my flesh to rule me.

But it's still a difficult choice to make consistently when my old choice was something that was so EASY for me.  But I refuse to give up.  I will continue to make the choice to Crave my Lord rather than Food.  Food has never filled me up the way He does.  I love spending time with Him.  Food just makes me feel fat, full, ugly, miserable, and it gives me horrible indigestion.  Being filled with my Lord makes me feel ALIVE, AT PEACE, COMFORTED, and, best of all, full of JOY!!!!! 

I CHOOSE to crave Jesus!!!!!

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