Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Monday, August 12, 2013


THE EXILE:  AN OUTLANDER GRAPHIC NOVEL (OUTLANDER 1.5) by Diana Gabaldon is really a great fill-in for the lover of the OUTLANDER series.  It's nothing short of pure genius for the author to write the same story from another character's point-of-view!  I especially love that it's not exactly like the original.  The fact that it's a graphic novel makes it that much more genius.  We already have SO MUCH with the original story that if Gabaldon attempted to do the same with Jamie's version of the story, no one would be able to stay with it through to the end.  By doing it as a graphic novel, it easily keeps my attention and makes me want to beg for the next installment!

Where's the next installment, Diana Gabaldon?!

I don't know of any other author who has written--and published (hear me, Stephenie?!)--the same essential story from a different character's point-of-view, making THE EXILE that much more fun and exciting to read.

As a writer-wanna-be (well, published wanna-be, anyway), I can understand how easily an author falls in love with each of her characters and wants each character to tell his/her story.  I, for one, would love to read some of my other favorite books from the POV of other characters within the stories.  I've even tried to write Snape's story, but not being Rowling, it's next to impossible.

Just finish it, Gabaldon....please?!?!

One negative:  there are images and brief details that are very confusing and difficult to follow.  I don't understand where this Kenneth comes into the story or how he fits at all.  I'm anxious to read the next one to find out more about him.  He's obviously a semi-main character who we never see in the OUTLANDER series because Claire never meets him.  But he's there and he's very aware of Claire and Jamie.....

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