Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Why I am Choosing to do NaNoWriMo: 2013

So I’ve decided that I’m going to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month—writing 50K words in 30 days) again this year.  I’ve been involved with NaNo one way or another since about 2004.  I have not won (successfully written 50K words in 30 days) every year, but I have won about four times.  Very few people will ever read the full manuscripts for any of the years I attempted NaNo, whether it be the years I won or otherwise.  They simply are not audience-worthy.
They were fun to write and I did share parts of them with others, but as a whole entity, the manuscripts will stay “hidden” on my laptop.

I have not yet once revised a single manuscript over the years, not even for the novels I really enjoyed writing and feel could possibly one day be publishing-worthy.  Last year’s novel was more fun to write than I can possibly describe—it’s about a serial-killing teacher (based loosely on me) who kills (with arsenic, mostly) and buries her students under her desk in her office, but even as much fun as it was to write, I can’t help but wonder what kind of reaction I’d get from an audience who doesn’t know me.  When I mentioned it to my son’s counselor during a counseling session, she looked at me very ODD and gave me that, “WTF?!” look.

Yeah.  I can live without that.

NaNo is a lot of fun for me regardless of whether I have as much fun writing the novel as I did last year simply because I LOVE to write.  When I have something to say, 2k words a day is nothing. 

The hardest part about NaNo—beyond Revision and/or preparation for publication—is finding the TIME to do it.  While I try to write every day in my journal, when I am really very busy, my journal, sadly, is the thing that suffers.  I might still write in my journal, but my word count will more than likely be far from my daily quota (750 words).  I just have a LOT going on:

1.  I am a Mom to a 12-year old in 7th grade—Middle School (I don’t think I need to explain!)
2.  I am a wife to a Pastor (20 years!)
3.  I teach English full time at a community college—that’s 6 classes (average) per semester with 125 students (average) per semester—you can do the math when every class write a 2-3 page essay and I have to grade them….
4.  This semester (Fall 2013), I am also taking a class online through UNC-Chapel Hill’s Friday Center—English 121:  British Literature, 19th to Early 20th Century (you know what’s involved in taking a class online)
5.  I am on the board for NC CEI (North Carolina Conference of English Instructors) and we have a conference this weekend (just prior to the start of NaNo) and I am presenting—board meetings once every quarter
6.  I am the Lead (I don’t know what else to call it) for setting up an opportunity for my college to participate in World Book Night—an opportunity to give away books!!!!  I have to write a proposal and complete all the documentation, etc. to set up my college as a Group Giver—organize the event—take care of receiving and distributing the books to the Givers, etc., etc., etc. (I’m doing this because I WANT to!)
7.  Because I’ve had a lot of health problems, I have various doctors’ appointments every few weeks.

And I hope it goes without saying that there are also all the regular day-to-day activities that must be taken care of as well as attempting at least somewhat of a social life in order to function at any level of intelligibility!

I’ve had many people ask me how I have time to read, let alone half of the other things that I have to do—want to do—need to do. 

My answer?

We tend to do whatever it is that we REALLY want to do. 

When I don’t REALLY want to do something, I don’t do it—whether that be doing the dishes, grading papers, or just going to school.  (We all need a “Mental Health Day” every once in a while!)

But when I REALLY do want to do something, I find a way to do it.  I find the TIME to do it.  If my sleep suffers, so be it.  I make it up during my afternoon catnap or with a large soft drink or coffee! 

NaNo has not made me a successful, published writer—yet, but I thoroughly enjoy participating in the challenge to write 50K words in one month.  I have yet to do Camp NaNo; once a year is all I can afford at this time.  But I keep signing up for it!  I have no idea if I am going to be able to win NaNo this year or even if I’ll make it beyond 50K words, but I am going to give it the old college-try and hope for the best.

In my heart, in spite of how very busy I am, I feel that this is MY year not only to win, but also to write something that will be worthy of revising and eventually publishing!  How will I know if I don’t at least give it a shot?

Here’s to NaNaWriMo!!!!!

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