Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Martin's Predictability

I honestly don't know what to say about the third book in George R. R. Martin's GAME OF THRONES series, CLASH OF KINGS.

A few short criticisms I have of the book (and series) are. . .
1.  even though Martin is doing his utmost to avoid predictability, I am finding myself knowing what is going to happen to next a lot of the time--not every time, mind you, but quite often.  For example, when the last chapter began with Bran, I knew the book was going to end with a powerful image of the ruined but not completely destroyed Winterfell.  It's the best way to end this particular book and it's an incredibly powerful image.
2.  There are too many characters.  I am finding it more and more difficult to keep the different characters separate.
3.  Every once in a while, Martin begins telling the story through the eyes of a whole new character--someone we haven't met at all.  It is very disconcerting and adds to the confusing of #2.

(I said I'd keep my criticisms short....)

A few of the positive points of Martin's book (and series) are...
1.  The story is really very good.  It is virtually impossible to quit reading--listening (remember that I'm listening to the story on CD in my car) to the story.  I've had several times when I've gotten where I'm going, but I don't want to get out of my car because I'm at a good part!
2.  I find myself caring about characters who are not all that lovable.  Tyrian is the best example of that.  I haven't decided yet what to think of him, but at the same time, I can't help but notice how he SEEMS to care even when he's trying very hard not to.
3.  I also care about many of the characters in the story.  I was devastated in book 1 when--well, in case you haven't read it, I don't want to ruin it for you.  Dani is my all-time favorite in the whole series so far.  She's awesome--and she's barely even 15 years old!!!

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