Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Similes, Images, and Metaphors, Oh My!

I started reading THE WEIRD SISTERS by Eleanor Brown because it was chosen as part of the book for list for World Book Night for 2014.  I want to try to read a number of the books so we have a better idea of which books to choose if we're chosen as givers.  (By "we" I mean CVCC.)

The book is good.  I wasn't as impressed as it seems others have been with the novel, but I didn't dislike it by any means.  What stood out the most to me throughout the novel is not the fact that everyone, especially the dad, speaks quite often using Shakespearean quotes.  Nor is it the fact that this family reads rather than watches television.  Nor is it the wonder of fighting cancer or even the struggles each sister goes through.

All are great parts of the story, but what struck me the most throughout my reading of the novel were all the similes, images, and metaphors.  Hundreds of them.  Some of them were a bit overwhelming in their comparison.  I have to wonder how much Eleanor Brown was conscious of them as she wrote them.  Did they just happen in the course of her writing and they're a happy accident or was she very aware of what she was doing with them from start to finish....?

Just a few to spark your interest--

"floating like a dandelion seed" (7)
"felt as though she were folding in on herself like an origami crane" (71)
"the way the false stars of the light strings twinkled below the real stars, giving the impression that she could have reached up and held the light of a thousand years in her hands" (151)

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