Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I have now watched Lord of the Rings:  Return of the King--3rd movie in the trilogy--twice!!!  I think I'm finally inspired enough to go back and read the books.  I read The Hobbit many, many years ago and found it very long and tedious.  I had a boyfriend in high school give me the boxed 25th anniversary special boxed set.  I just never had a desire to follow through and read the whole series from beginning to end.  But, now, after watching the 3rd movie twice, I think I'm going to do it.  I texted my sister who has had my boxed set of the books for several years now and asked her if she was finished with them.  She's going to bring them to by the end of the's to a summer full of The Lord of the Rings....and Harry Potter!!!!!  Yes, Potter againI can hardly wait!  I'm re-reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets again because my MWF British Lit class is reading it this semester!  And I don't mind reading it again at all!!!!!  Wish me luck....!!!!


  1. I seem to be more like you in this perspective. I thoroughly enjoyed all of The Lord of the Rings movies, but found that when I tried to read the novels... I just could get that into them and so, still have not read them in entirety yet. I know though that they will be so much better than the movies, as books usually are...

  2. I've always enjoyed LOTR, both books and movies. I'm glad The Hobbit is finally being done in live action, though I think splitting it in two is a wee bit ridiculous.

  3. Mrs. Watson you are such a nerd! though i admire your patience, i myself can not force myself through anybook be whatever title as it may, even the great LOTR series is not enough to keep me reading. I think that the only way i will get anything out of stories is if i watch the movies, sadly to say. I envy your patience and wish you could share some with me (maybe its just that my other hobby gaming takes all the time that i could be reading =D)


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