Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Friday, May 20, 2011


I finished Breaking Dawn last night and have moved on to The Short, Second Life of Bree Tanner.  I really enjoy the Twilight series!  It’s honestly just a real FUN read.  I don’t think it’s something that has any TRUE lasting literary value, but that doesn’t take away from my enjoyment in reading the series!!!   Sometimes it’s good just to read something for FUN rather than having to do “heavy” reading (such as for school) all the time.  I am really excited about seeing the movie version of Breaking Dawn when it comes out later this year.  I really hope that I’ll be able to go and see all the movies when they do the marathon.  That’s a pretty cool thing they’ve started doing.

Wasn’t it the Lord of the Rings series of movies that started that trend a few years ago?  Someone told me that they’ll show all the LotR movies as a marathon when The Hobbit comes out soon.  (When is that?  Early next year or before 2011 is over?)  I’m looking forward to seeing all of those movies, too.  I’m honestly going to read the WHOLE LotR series this summer, so it’ll be interesting to see the movies when I finish.  I’ve seen the third movie 3 times now, so it’s time to read ALL the books and watch ALL the movies!  Past time, actually!

I don’t have much more than that to say about this reading of Breaking Dawn.  It’s like my 7th time reading it, so I don’t really have anything new to say….I’m still disappointed in the ending.  I wanted a fight.  I didn’t want any of “my” characters to die, but I wanted to see some ACTION!  The whole book (well, practically the whole book, anyway)—almost the whole series—leads up to this major confrontation between the Cullens (and all the “good” vampires) and the dreaded Volturi.  Everyone is SOOO confident of winning, especially considering the fact that they have the werewolves helping out!!!  I really would have enjoyed watching Jane or Alec go down!!! 

Of course, if it had come to a fight, someone would have been killed who I didn’t want to die, so that would have been VERY bad….I even found that I love Rosalie by the end, so it would have been REALLY awful if anyone HAD died….

But think about it….don’t you think that might be part of the reason why the Harry Potter series is many steps above the Twilight series?  Rowling wasn’t afraid to kill off characters, even major characters.  I cried like a baby, truly BAWLING LIKE A BABY, when each one died.  I found that I cried harder when Dobby died than when Dumbledore died, even though I cried a lot for both.  But it was especially bad in book 7 when the Weasley family got in so much trouble….that was AWFUL!!!  It was especially awfully difficult to read because Percy had just come back in to the fold and reunited with his family…..

Oh, the Harry Potter series was supposed to get darker and darker as it went along, and it did—effectively.  The Twilight series was supposed to get darker and darker as it went along, but it fell apart and had a disappointing climax.  While I hate crying and don’t like to read books (or watch movies) that make me cry, I find that the Harry Potter series stands out for me as the better series mostly because it is darker.  For some reason or another, that makes it more credible as a work of literature than the Twilight series.  (I’m sorry, Stephenie.  Please don’t be offended.  I still LOVE the Twilight series!!!)

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