Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I am absotively posolutely STUNNED at the number of people who haven't seen this movie!!!!  It is so very AMAZING!!!!!  EVERYONE should see How to Train Your Dragon!!!!!!  Not only is it a GREAT story, Gerard Butler is the voice of the dad in the story!!!  I could listen to the dad, Gerard Butler, talk all day long!!!!  Oh yea!

But did you know there's a book?!  It's wonderful, too!!!  Granted, you can't read the book or watch the movie thinking that the movie is the story of the book, as we so often like to see when "Hollywood" makes a movie out of our favorite books.  When I read the book, I enjoy it as a separate entity from the movie and, because of that, I can enjoy each in its own right.  If, like I so often do, I look at the movie as the movie version of the book, I'd be upset that Dreamworks got so many things WRONG from the book.  But when you look at each story separately, each story has great qualities.

I love what Dreamworks did with the movie.  I love the way Toothless looks on screen and I agree with them that his ears and his eyes are wonderfully expressive and really make him a lot of fun to watch on screen.  The story on screen stands for itself and it's AMAZING!

The story in the book stands for itself and it's AMAZING, too!!!!  There's actually a whole series of books---I think the 8th one in the series comes out later this year......Samuel has read over half of the series and he agrees with me that they're GREAT stories and we can enjoy the books AND the movie---equally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

If you haven't seen the movie, you REALLY should!!!

If you haven't read the book, you REALLY should!!!

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