Great Books

Great Books
To read or not to read?....that is a silly question!

Monday, May 30, 2011

More Pandas, Yeah!

I got Samuel out of school early again this past Friday so we could go see Kung Fu Panda 2.  It was really good!  We both enjoyed it a lot.  I didn't eat any popcorn during the movie, by the way.  The week before when we went to see Pirates 4, I had somehow or other held my popcorn bag on my leg and the butter bled through, staining my pants.  I couldn't get the butter stain out, so now a favorite pair of pants is ruined.  I'll still wear them around the house, probably to work out in, but they're ruined otherwise.

Anyway, I got off subject.  Kung Fu Panda 2 is a lot of fun and definitely a great movie worthy of going to see.  Both it and the first one are better than any of the Shrek movies, by far.....(don't hate me).  But NOT better than How to Train Your Dragon!!!  The story, as usual, has an obvious lesson/moral for the audience (there's more than one, but the two most obvious):  1.  when we find inner peace, we can accomplish anything and 2.  we have to let the past be the past; learn from the past, but we can't let the past hold us back from doing and being who and what we ARE in the present.

The lessons are almost TOO overt and obvious, but they don't take away from enjoying the movie.  It's kind of refreshing to see modern-day fables shared via a fun medium to watch and enjoy visually.

The Furious Five get more speaking parts this time, so that makes the story more enjoyable.  Where the first one focused pretty much on Po and the Furious Five don't really have much to do with the overall story, this time, they're very active within the story.  We get to see and hear them a lot more.  My personal favorite parts of the movie are when the Furious Five work together with Po to defeat their enemies!  They work extemely well as a team (yes, that includes Po) and it's fun to watch!  Those scenes in particualar are over much too quickly.

One final thought:  Samuel enjoyed it enough that he didn't leave the movie even once to go to the bathroom!  (He usually has to go at least once, if not more than that, during a movie!)

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